Run errands for several people to get a superb shield.
A superb wall shield.
Find some beer for Aldamir to serve, then collect your reward from the weaver. Now you need to find someone who is in need of what you were given to get your true reward.
do e,5n,4nw,3w,n,get barrel
This will place you in A home and give you A barrel.
do s,3e,gate,2se,4s,2sw,gate,ne,4n,2nw,2w,2s,get wrench
You should now be in The Waterwrights' storeroom have A tarnished metal wrench as well.
do 2n,2e,2se,4s,sw,gate,2ne,4n,2nw,gate,4se,s,nw,turn tap
This will place you in Mount Mindolluin Brewery and cause you to drop the barrel Gripping it firmly, you turn the tap head with the wrench. Ale begins to gush out. You decide to place the barrel under the tap and fill it up. Disgusted, you notice a cockroach coming out with the stream. This ale is definitely not your cup of tea.
do drop wrench,se,w,make lid,get lid
This will put you in Woodwright's guild and you will create A round piece of wood.
do e,nw,cover full barrel,roll covered barrel
You will now follow the barrel down to The Silver Blade inn where Aldamir is here looking almost cheerful (or Aldamir is here almost in tears if noone has completed MT2: Aldamir's Sandwich) and he will give you A voucher then tell you that you can collect your reward from the weaver.
do e,4n,e,give voucher to weaver,get handkerchief
Dornelle, a master weaver in The leatherworker and the weaver will drop A silken handkerchief for you.
do w,n,4nw,3w,n,w,give handkerchief to wiltas
Wiltas, a bedridden man will then give you your reward and quest point.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.