MT2: Aldamir's Sandwich (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Find a special recipe book for the tavern owner Aldamir.

  • A sandwich and 30 gold.

  • From inside Minas Tirith gates.

    do 5s,2sw,gate,4ne,2n,w

  • Find a recipe book Aldamir can use. Perhaps the brewery can help.

  • do e,4n,nw,pull out bench,move bench,stand on bench

    This will leave A small bound book and A quiver (containing 2 A simple arrow) on the ground.

    do get book,se,4s,w,give book to aldamir

    Aldamir is here almost in tears will thank you and give you your reward. He will also become Aldamir is here looking almost cheerful.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also